Saturday, March 1, 2008

Queso's first vet trip!

Today started out pretty early for our little buddy, as clearly he was not looking forward to sleeping in on a Saturday NEARLY as much as we were. The puppy alarm went off at roughly 6am, and Michelle was sweet enough to get up and entertain him while Ben got to sleep in on his bum foot for a little while longer.

The morning started off with Queso being in a pretty bratty mood - in the past two or three days he has started gaining a little more confidence in his play biting and getting ever-so-slightly more aggressive with us. It's all pretty harmless, but the nips and snaps from those little razor sharp baby teeth can really do some harm when you're not expecting it. Ouch!

We finally rallied up and headed out to the Central Texas Animal Hospital for our very first visit. Puppy was again pretty unsure about the car ride there, but thankfully we only live about five minutes away so his automobile anxiety disorder was pretty brief. We arrived at the vet in time to have some interactions with some other dogs coming and going there. This was Queso's first real face time with any other dogs besides his direct family members, and he wasn't quite sure what to think of it all. Pretty funny!

Unfortunately it turned out we picked one of the more somber days to visit the clinic. In the short time we were there they took in two animals to be euthanized: one very old and sad looking dog and also a cat. It was a stark contrast to have sniffling pet owners in the lobby saying their goodbyes to their loved ones, while at the same time the staff and other clients were oooohing and awwwing over our little boy. Queso received a ton of attention and praise from EVERYONE there, and he was definitely the highlight of everyone's day there!

Our vet, Dr. Banks, gave Queso a brief checkup and said he looked healthy as a hound (no pun intended!) and then a nice vet tech named Kate came in a trimmed his nails and answered a plethora of parenting questions that we had for her. All in all, Queso was a VERY calm and good boy for the entire trip in spite of all the new sights and sounds that he encountered. We were quite impressed with our little guy's best behavior!

We spent the afternoon laying on the back porch taking a nap and playing in the tall grass. He loves hiding out in the cool under the air conditioner unit outside, and several times we had to go hunt or him there thinking that he had run off. Such a stinker!

Ben is still off for the next few days recovering from his ankle surgery, so puppy will continue to be spoiled with playing outside of the kennel for the most part. Hopefully the good behavior continues into next week when we go back to our regular schedules again...

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